Organizational Health and Culture

Organizational Health

Organizations can be healthy but not fit enough to run a race; Organizations can get sick too.
The question is: Do you know the health status of your Organization?
Do you have a 2021 resolution to have a healthy and competitive one?
If yes, give us a call and let work together to make it happen. “Organizations needs to be in a different color.”

Organizational doctor

Diagnosis of Issues, running required tests, suggest
corrective actions

Organizations culture

Assessment and Change

Change management projects

Diagnose change, put project plan, implement change
and then observe results

Strategy alignment to the organization:

  • Review strategy.
  • Study the alignment with the organization dynamics.
  • Recommend and implement strategy tools.
    (i.e., balanced scorecard, OGSM, etc.).
  • Digital transformation (making sure it’s a success story.
  • By reviewing current processes vs. best practice vs.
    digital modules, manage change management related to
    digital transformations).

Process improvement:

  • Assess current processes.
  • Measure process impact vs. complexity vs. cost vs. efficiency.
  • Suggest corrective actions.

Organization design:

  • Review current design.
  • Analyze needs.
  • Propose the best design required to achieve the ORG objectives.
  • Operating model implementation, maintenance & compliance.

Talent management:

  • Assessing talent profiles / leadership styles.
  • Assessing goals management system.
  • Assessing performance management system.
  • Assessing learning & development system.
  • Assessing the succession planning system.
  • Assessing recruitment, onboarding, and retention policies.
    strategic workforce planning.
  • Assess/ introduce people analytics in the organization.

Policies & procedures:

Review, assess, and design new policies and procedures.

M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions):

  • Assess each company culture and its impact on the M&A.
  • Recommend an action plan for a smooth transition.